宇都宮市 子供英会話 レッツゴー英会話 アフタースクールのブログ
The kids at Let's GO have been enjoying the Castle Ruins Park.
"Let's go and take pictures of the cherry blossom trees." The teachers said. So the kids went on many walks throughout the week.
Some kids collected petals and some kids blew bubbles too.
This week's craft was to make a cherry blossom tree. The kids can remember the trees once the blossom has gone.
"Let's go and take pictures of the cherry blossom trees." The teachers said. So the kids went on many walks throughout the week.
Some kids collected petals and some kids blew bubbles too.
This week's craft was to make a cherry blossom tree. The kids can remember the trees once the blossom has gone.
Let's GOの子どもたちは、城跡公園を満喫しています。
"桜の木の写真を撮りに行こう" とティーチャーが言うと、子供たちは一週間を通して毎日散歩に出かけました。
Teacher JADE