宇都宮市 子供英会話 レッツゴー英会話 アフタースクールのブログ
At Lets GO English School our kids often do roleplays to practice English that they have learnt in a certain situation.
Sometimes they're hotel managers ("Would you like...?"), sometimes they're newscasters ("Yesterday in Utsunomiya..."), and sometimes they're doctors ("You must...")
Sometimes they're hotel managers ("Would you like...?"), sometimes they're newscasters ("Yesterday in Utsunomiya..."), and sometimes they're doctors ("You must...")
It's always fun especially when they are allowed to say daft things to make each other laugh.
Lets GOでは、子供たちが学んだ英語をある状況下で実践するために、ロールプレイをすることがよくあります。
時には、ホテルのマネージャー(「Would you like...」)、
時には、ニュースキャスター(「Yesterday in Utsunomiya...」)、
時には、お医者さん(「You must...」)
Mark - Owner