宇都宮市 子供英会話 レッツゴー英会話 アフタースクールのブログ
Movie Quiz is more than just watching a movie. We show Let’s Go students a short movie scene and deliberately pause it halfway. Then, we provide ABC multiple choice questions for them to choose and let the students' curiosity and imagination work to predict the outcome.
“Who thinks the answer is B?”
“I think the answer is C!”
“I don’t know. Let’s find out!”
It’s a fun game as the suspense makes everyone curious and excited. I think Let’s Go students should try this game at home with their families. I’m sure it’s a good way to spend quality time!
生徒たちに英語の映画の一部を見てもらい、 途中で停止させます。
それから映画の展開を予想した ABC選択問題を出題、 生徒に答えを選んでもらい、想像力を育ませます。
サスペンスで好奇心を沸かせ、 わくわくさせるとても楽しいゲームです。
Teacher Staff Mukmin